Partner with us

Alpin is a patient investor in private businesses. We partner with owners and managers in our portfolio to recognise and leverage their true potential. We have a strong track record of fundamentally enhancing the performance of our businesses.

Long Term Value

Business owners

Alpin originated in 2013 as a private investment vehicle for its partners to hold businesses in which they acquired and operated themselves. It has since evolved into a private capital firm with a strong tack record of successfully partnering with owners of Australian SMEs, providing high calibre expertise, enabling strategic growth and transitioning the business from a founder-led/dependent organisation to an attractive standalone business – without compromising the values and legacy of the business. In doing this, the business has the elements to be significantly more attractive to a larger pool of potential buyers in the future.

We are flexible and open to discussions on the level of owners’ involvement in the business post a transaction. What we are committed to do is – work hard for all shareholders to build value in the medium to long term.


Sector-focused investment strategy

Industrials & Services sector experts. Our sector-focused portfolio strategy enables immediate opportunities and synergies for your business

Expertise in founder-led businesses

Vast experience in taking founder-led businesses, growing and professionalising them and opening them up to a much larger pool of investors for a compelling final exit

Long-term partnership

We are patient, down to earth and work with you to execute critical strategic initiatives, we support in the executive transition and then cocreate the business’ exciting next horizon

Money off the table

Immediately de-risk your investment while also getting exposure to the next growth stage of your business


Our investor base is a sophisticated group of business owners, professionals, corporate executives, high net work individuals and family offices. They seek medium to long-term exposure to high quality, growing and cash generating Australasian SMEs, which often go under the radar of larger investment firms. Our hands-on approach suits our investors who often show a keen curiosity in the businesses we co-invest in together and where relevant they provide contacts and experience to improve the outcome for all investors. We are often described as a safe pair of hands by our investors.

We target an overall investment return of 20+%. This is underpinned by ongoing 8+% p.a. targeted distributions, which are paid-semiannually, as well as underlying capital growth in the investment driven by our value creation program.

Please get in touch if you would like to learn more.


Strong sector thematic

Target fragmented and growing sectors in which Alpin has deep operating experience and which other private capital misses

Downside Protection

We are a safe pair of hands (underpinned by our AFSL) targeting stable and growing but cash generative businesses, which we co-invest in alongside you

Regular distributions & attractive returns

Target IRR 20+% underpinned by 8+% p.a. distributions paid semi-annually and underlying capital growth

Access to additional opportunities

Provide our investors with varied and optional opportunities across the existing portfolio and other asset classes (e.g. property)

Operating partners

It is common for the vendor of the businesses we invest in to want to step away from the day to day management of their business. We have a large network of highly experienced CEO’s and key executives to enable growth and build on the business. Legacy, sustainability and critical thinking are key attributes of our business leaders and operating partners.

We are always looking for great operational partners to steward our businesses. If that sounds like you, please get in touch.


Let's chat


Unlocking the true potential of businesses to underpin long-term, enduring growth